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Last minute preparations are underway.

Organising an event is about attention to detail and this year's January concert is no exception. This concert is special. 60 years ago, Durham Choral Society was re-formed and sang The Creation in Durham Cathedral. We are singing it, again in Durham Cathedral, to mark the occasion.

Programmes are at the printers, orchestra music has been distributed and the choir has four rehearsals to perfect the performance. Of course, each of those tasks as a list of other tasks behind it. Programmes have to be compiled from information from a variety of sources. To distribute music to an orchestra, the players have to be booked. Rehearsals have been held since September at Durham Johnston School. And these are just three tasks of the many that go into organising a concert. Soloists don't just turn up on the day and that staging doesn't put itself up, you know!

There is a whole team of people working hard behind the scenes. The committee, of course, as well as a group of choir members who help with specific tasks - flyer design, online event listings, and much more. Without them concerts would not happen.

We have VIPs attending - The Mayor and Mayoress of Durham and our own President , Will Todd - and our former conductor Richard Brice will be on the podium again for one of the movements.

It will all be worth the hard work as the thrill of performing in the Cathedral is always there, no matter how many times one has done it before .... and we will come back and do it all again for our May concert so why not join us for that?

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